Learn How to Give Support to Those Dying and Grieving

End-of-Life support and care is one of the most powerful elements for a "good death".


End-of-Life Care Institute (EOLCI) is to offer education, planning, support, and resources for end-of-life alternatives. EOLCI is also committed to respecting the student’s objectives and desires throughout their training and educating through a holistic approach. EOLCI will train, educate, empower, engage, evaluate, and provide continuing education to those called to support those transitioning.

About Our Program

End-of-Life Care Institute (EOLCI) was founded to train, educate, empower, engage, and evaluate individuals, organizations and businesses as they walk through their journey to give holistic support to the dying and their families. Those enrolled in our courses and/or programs are looking to make a difference.

Our founder, Ms. Sonja Frazier-Koenig (CEOLD, CECD, CDCC), being an End-of-Life Doula herself, experienced substantial gaps in the training she received that launched her career as an End-of-Life-Doula and Senior Care Companion Doula.

She soon saw that organizations and businesses are struggling to find ways to support their staff that are experiencing loss and grief. She, along with her team, developed a program that will train organizational leaders how they can give holistic support to their staff and reduce economic loss their business experience because of their staffs grief.

She partnered with Whole Life Christian Church West/Outreach to help her fill those gaps in churches and for those wanting to support the dying and their families, and those experiencing grief.

EOLCI prides itself on its 4E teaching method:

- Educate

- Empower

- Engage

- Evaluate


Unlocking the power of holistic support.


We foster strong connections with end-of-life care specialists and those dying to secure a good death for the dying. Our course will educate, empower, engage, and evaluate the student to give holistic support to those transitioning and to their families.


We all need a friend. We all need someone we can talk to and possibly hangout with.  It is imperative that as a Senior Care Companion Doula (SCCD) you get personal with your client and gain their trust. This course will train and educate you on how you can give support to seniors. You will learn how to be a companion to them.


Church leaders should be well informed on how they can support those that are approaching end-of-life and their families.  Prayer is always a must.  Church leaders can give more support besides prayer. Church leaders can be a part support in helping the dying have a peaceful transition.


In this course you will learn how to effectively train in today's business arena. Learn the skills needed to create and develop your course.  Then implement what you have learned. This course includes three chapters with three to seven lessons. When you complete this course you will be able to launch your own online course.


Jesus prepared his disciples for his transition. Why don't we do the same and teach people how to prepare for their own transition? Supporting those going through the dying process takes more than a prayer and a casserole. Pastors and Church Leaders  can help their congregation and community with  end-of-life care by using holistic support.

See What Our Customer Say About Us

G. Mason

What I want to do with my certification:

Sonja on Facebook said: “Ask 10 of your friends you trust to tell you what is your superpower or your God-given gift? “

One of my friends said because I live 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV) ... “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms”.

I want to live into that verse through service as an EOL Doula.

L. Howard

After I complete my End-of-Life Doula certification. I plan to open a nonprofit and a for-profit company. We will cater to the ability to show therapeutic love for a person that is nearing their end of life or  in the end-of-life planning stage. 

I love their passion to ensure that every student was knowledge-able of what it takes to be a Doula.

I look forward to the CE class.

S. Carter

I plan to use my education from TXDM to add as an additional services provided to my ministry. My focused vision is to provide my patients with the peace of dying in salvation and unfinished affairs accomplished including paperwork and individual relationships. To create environments that patients and family members can be at easy in. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

The problems Senior citizens face with healthcare.

End of Life Disconnect- A National Hospice Organization Gallup Poll found that 9:10 who were terminally ill wanted to die at home, yet half were dying in the hospital. The same poll found that the number one fear of the dying patient was becoming a burden to their family. A lot of individuals become paralyzed by the conversation of death. Because people fear death, it makes it difficult for the dying and their to go through the process that will most definitely happen.

Is there a fee to receive a certification?

You may take any of our courses without a certification. If you choose to receive a certification for our courses, there will be an additional fee of $75. You will also be required to take a final exam and meet with our Education Director for an exit interview.

Is there an age restriction for taking courses at End-of-Life Care Institute?

Yes. Our courses are restricted to individuals that are 18 years of age or older.

How long is the certificate good for?

Once you have earned a certificate from the End-of-Life Care Institute (EOLCI) it is good for five years. You can renew your certification by taking three (3) of EOLCI continuing education courses (known as Doula Toolbelts (DTB).

Is Financial Aid available for your courses?

End-of-Life Care Institute (EOLCI) is proud to announce a scholarship opportunity for incoming students. To apply, submit a one-page (minimum) essay to, discussing the following:

1. Why do you want to enroll in our course(s)/program(s)?

2. What is your vision for your completion of course?

3. How are you going to implement what you have learned from this course?

4. How you going to use what you have learned to support your community?

5. If you are going to start a business from the course you have taken: What kind of experience do you have running a business? If you have no business experience, what are your plans for running your business?

If you are selected as the scholarship recipient, you will be required to make 80% payment of the registration (no payment plan) and EOLCI will sponsor the remainder 20% of registration. Application Deadline: 8 weeks prior to course start date. Email your completed essay to [email protected].

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How experienced are your educators?

Our educators/instructors have been End-of-Life Doulas/Specialist for over a total of 40 years. They are experienced teachers/facilitators. They have been teaching on the subject of end-of-life care for over a total of 40 years. One of our instructors is a police officer. He teaches on safety.

What kind of teaching assistance will students have available to them?

Our courses are in-person and self-directed and have been created to allow students to complete them without teaching assistance. If you have any career related questions about what is covered in the course you can contact our Education Director or the instructor assigned to your course. You may submit questions by email or talk with your instructor virtually. After you register for a course you will receive information about how to contact your instructor.

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What is included with students registration?

Students can register and not receive a certification. If students choose to receive a certification, there will be an additional fee of $75.

Registration fee for all students consist of:

1. access to instructor to provide you with personal teaching


2. a workbook in e-book format ( students will have to purchase

the textbook ($35) on their on).

3. access to our Hope For Tomorrow book series,

4. a personalized downloadable certificate sent to you upon

successful completion of the course, and

5. a 10% discount for two (2) continuing education courses.

What if I can't afford to pay the registration fee all at once?

We realize the registration fee may be more than some people can afford. If the registration fee is beyond your budget, we do have a five month payment plan available, The first payment is due upon registration and the last payment is due 30 days before the course starts. If you register 30 days before the course starts, your payment plan will be divided into 3 months, and your last payment will be do 30 days before the end of the course.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

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Can you make a career being an End-of-Life Care Specialist?

If you want to do this work and have it become your full-time income, you want to take classes from End-of-Life Care Institute so that you have several different services to offer in your community. Your end-of-life clients will come and go. When you are not supporting families in the home as the end-of-life doula/specialist, you can do consulting work with healthy people. The combination has been the perfect way for you to start working right away upon completing our courses.

Contact Us


2518 West Poplar Street, San Antonio, TX 78207